
What we’ve been
up to

  • Cheshire Farms    Competition 2019
    Cheshire Farms Competition 2019

    Congratulations to Tom and Karen Halton and their team in winning the Cheshire Farms Competition 2019…


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  • NuVulife will be launching on Amazon very soon.

    NuVulife Liqui-Life High Protein Shakes will be available to buy on Amazon in 3 flavours…

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  • Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200 Triumph

    We are delighted that County Milk Products has been ranked at No 128 on the 10th annual Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200…

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  • Gulfood 2019 Success

    Gulfood 2019 was a success and we’d like to thank everyone who came to see us…

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  • CNP Professional Sports Nutrition Protein Flapjacks

    Our sports nutrition partner, The Protein Partners will be on the stand with us at Gulfood 2019…

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  • New Product Launch – NuVu Liqui-Life Shake!!

    We’ll be launching a new product at Gulfood 2019… our latest calorie dense Nutrition product – NuVulife Liqui-Life Shake!!

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  • Gulfood 2019

    We are participating in the biggest food & beverage business event in the world, Gulfood…

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  • County Milk Welcomes Bidlea Dairy…

    County Milk welcomes the grand opening of Bidlea Dairy…

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  • County Milk & Nemi Dairy Export Drive for British Milk!!

    County Milk Director Mark Langslow is currently at the Food Hotel Exhibition in China, helping liquid milk brand Nemi milk…

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  • The Protein Partners Grocer Advertisement

    Our sports nutrition partner, The Protein Partners recently featured in the industry renowned trade magazine, The Grocer…

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